Nothing quenches your thirst during the dog days of summer like a tall glass of cold brew coffee, and nothing makes a better batch of cold brew coffee than the equipment provided by the hard working people at American Beer Equipment. With cold brew taking the market by storm, it’s no surprise that American Beer Equipment is ahead of the game when it comes to catering to that market. ABE has positioned themselves as a leader in the craft beer industry and much of the same equipment and processes used to make craft beer can be carried over into brewing cold brew. With over 90,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing space and a recently constructed technology center at their fingertips, ABE’s cold brew equipment is poised to become a hot topic amongst cold brew aficionados.
Much like the craft beer industry, the cold brew coffee industry allows brewers to channel their inner creativity to produce products that have a wide range of flavor profiles. To the average consumer, making cold brew coffee seems simple. Put coffee in water, wait, drain, and voila….cold brew coffee! However, for those who brew professionally, there are many things to consider when introducing a product to the public. The type of bean to use, the crush size, the steeping time, the brewing temperature; these are a few things that must be considered when honing in on a perfect cup of cold brew.
A quick google search for “cold brew coffee makers” will yield hundreds of results for products well suited for at-home brewers. But, for those looking to take their talents to the commercial market, there are only a handful of companies out there they can utilize. Of the few that make larger equipment, only ABE makes equipment that truly caters to the commercial market, with cold brew coffeehouses ranging from 155 gallons up to 1800 gallons. In additional to coffeehouses, ABE also provide mills to crush your coffee, mixing tanks to perfect the concentration of your product, and canning lines equipped with nitrogen dosers to distribute your product. Whether you’re a lover of cold brew looking to make your mark in the industry, or an established coffee roaster looking to take your beans to a new level, ABE has the equipment for you!
Visit www.americanbeerequipment.com or call 402.441.3737 for more information!