Price: $5
- Make: Krones
- Year: 2002
- Includes, crowner, crown blower and hopper, media skid, spare parts, and more
- 40 fill heads, 6 crowner heads
- 240 bottles/minute
- Includes change parts for 12oz longnecks and 22oz bombers
- Includes manuals, digital documentation, electrical diagrams, and more
- 460V
- 3 Phase
- 34.1 FLA (filler) + 7.98 FLA (rinser) + 30 A fuse size (crown blower)
- Spare parts include: HMI, encoders, grabbers, bearings, crowner motors, sorter motors, crowning heads, seals, distributor rebuild kits, and more (two pallets worth)
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