Price: $17,900
Recently purchased this pre-owned canning machine from another business. This is a Wild Goose Gosling Version 1.0. However, we were not aware that the machine cannot be adapted or retrofitted for any other size of cans. It only operates with 12oz standard cans. We just want to package in other sizes.
The machine is in great shape, the original owner ran under 150k seams. They were the only owners and bought it in 2020 direct from the manufacturer. We have not installed the machine in our facility after receiving it from them in December 2024; it’s just been sitting in our warehouse since then. We’ll also include a stainless steel mount to go with it.
PRICED TO SELL! Original cost of this machine was over $29k. We’ll cover the freight cost and coordinate the shipment, as long as it’s going to a state in the continental US (not Alaska or Hawaii).
Any questions, reach out. Cheers!